Systematic literature review regarding non-timber forest products

The Precious Forests Foundation promotes practice-oriented research and innovations and their implementation for the protection and sustainable management of tropical rainforests. The Foundation’s work is based on the conviction that the sustainable use of forests – including non-timber products in legally accessible forests – ensures their long-term protection.

Based on a comprehensive and systematic literature review, the existing research on non-timber products will be identified and reviewed. The goal of the project is to provide a review of existing studies on non-timber products in tropical rainforests, with a focus on Central Africa and the Amazon Basin. The project aims to generate results on the following:

  • Inventory of promising non-timber products in tropical rainforests
  • Potential for domestication of little known non-timber products – Value creation for local communities and market participants
  • Compatibility of sustainable forestry with sustainable use of non-timber products as an economic measure in collaboration between forestry companies and local communities
  • Case studies of successfully implemented management plans for non-timber products in tropical rainforests.

Project final report: Not only timber